"Tech-It-Yourself" Tech Builder Thursday w/ Mike D’Arezzo, Director of Security Services / Enterprise Security Architect at ePlus.
Topic – How to Manage/Secure the New Normal
Much of what we knew about the technical landscape of our organizations changed in the blink of an eye. Whether shifting our workforce to work from home to developing virtual desktop infrastructure, to pushing applications to the Edge of our networks to reduce VPN strain we pushed our teams to the limit to create solutions to get our employees back to work as fast as we could. We dealt with changing initiatives, phishing attacks, and even ransomware and security incidents in our mercurial environment. Now as we return to a new “Normal” we have an opportunity to fix what was broken, improve what we built, and re-create our workflows and digital landscapes and take advantage of the shift. Join us as we discuss how some changed to meet and resolve the opportunities and how the “New Normal” will change how we work and access our workflows and help our customers.