"Tech-It-Yourself" Making Your Code Easy to Modify
April 28, 2021
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Hosted Virtually via Zoom
Topic: Making Your Code Easy to Modify
When developing software, there’s always a balance between speed and quality. If you only focus on speed, you could leave complexity, duplication, and other forms of technical debt in your wake that will just delay deployments in the future. By focusing on small changes now, you can save yourself a big headache later. In this webinar – Brian Bassett, Kenny Hegeland, Chrys Sills, and Brad Phillips will discuss practices that help keep codebases maintainable, such as writing intention revealing code, refactoring for readability, using Test- and Behavior-Driven Development, and more.
Featured Panelists:
Moderator – Brian Bassett | Director of Business Dev. – Simple Thread
Kenny Hegeland | Software Engineer – Ippon
Chrys Sills | Transformation Principle – Red Hat
Brad Phillips | RTS Labs