rvatech/Data Summit - Kick-off Review Please provide your current industry or title.*Was this your first RVATECH event?* Yes No Not sure How satisfied were you with the overall event?* Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied What did you enjoy most about the conference?What could be done to improve future events?This was our first experience using Hopin. How satisfied were you with the virtual event platform?* Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied How easy was it to navigate the virtual event platform?* Easy Moderate Difficult Did you have any specific challenges using Hopin?How likely are you to recommend this event to a friend/colleague?* 10 - Extremely Likely 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - Not likely at all How would you rate the keynote speakers Dr. Laurie Forlano and Tim Powell?* 5 4 3 2 1 One being the lowest and five being the highest.How would you rate Renee Teate's presentation?* 5 4 3 2 1 One being the lowest and five being the highest.Do you have any feedback regarding specific speakers?Did you participate in the mentor sessions?* Yes No Did you find them beneficial?* Yes Somewhat Not at all What specific topics would you like to see covered at a future rvatech/Data webinars, workshops, and conferences?Untitled