Awards Gala
Replay the 2020 Awards Video
About the Virtual Event
This is Richmond’s twenty-fifth anniversary “Academy Awards” of technology and although 2020 certainly isn't the year any of us expected, that's not going to stop us from celebrating! We're continuing to showcase + recognize individual accomplishments, corporate wins, non-profit success stories, innovation excellence, and growing small businesses! However, we'll just be swapping out a night at Maymont Gardens for a night at home.
RVATECH is teaming up with Richmond's own Altamira Film Co. to bring the 25th Anniversary Awards Gala to life by through an incredible 90-minute production and celebrating tech with tech - like never before. So, pick up your Gala Night Basket Bundle and head straight for your favorite streaming channel as we kick off what will truly be a night to remember!
Awards, Finalists, & Winners
Chairman's Award
Sponsored by Altria
2020 Winner:
Lori Jennings @ Jennings PROSearch
2019 Winner:
Robby Demeria
Awarded to an individual or organization that has made a significant impact on the growth of technology in this region, and/or the advancement of Greater Richmond as center for technology innovation.
Emerging Small Business Award
Sponsored by DHG
2020 Winner:
2020 Finalists:
2019 Winner:
Simple Thread
Awarded to a local small business or start-up technology company that has demonstrated the ability to achieve commercial success. This award is reserved for companies who have been in business (i.e. generated revenue) for less than five years, maintain less than 25 employees at the time of nomination, and generated less than $5M in revenue within the past year.
Equity Impact Award
Sponsored by AIS Network
2020 Winner:
Dominion Energy
2020 Finalists:
Dominion Energy
CodeRVA High School
TMI Consulting
Girls for a Change
Bryan Wallace of Code Virginia
Innovation in Community Impact Award
Sponsored by MAXX Potential
2020 Winner:
Roundtrip & GRTC
2020 Finalists:
Jenilee Stanley-Shanks, College of Engineering, VCU
Roundtrip and GRTC
2019 Winner:
The Giving Wall
Awarded to an individual, non-profit, or business (civic-minded team or project) in central Virginia that displays the most innovative use(s) of technology to further enrich and advance our community.
Innovation in Education Award
Sponsored by Trillium Technical
2020 Finalists:
Demetria Richardson
Eric DeBoer
Blythe Samuels
2019 Winner:
ModernSmart Program, Goochland Middle School
Awarded to the educator or program that provides exceptional technology leadership and encourages students to pursue higher education or training in science, technology, engineering and math.
Innovation in Private Sector - Large Capital
Sponsored by CGI
2020 Winner:
Dominion Energy
2020 Finalists:
Dominion Energy
CoStar Group
2019 Winner:
Dominion Energy
(Large Capital – More than $10M in revenue)
Awarded to a company whose creative use of existing or development of new technology enhances processes, methodologies and/or services for their own or others’ benefit.
Innovation in Private Sector - Mid Capital
Sponsored by CoStar
2020 Winner:
United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS)
2020 Finalists:
Strategic Risk Associates
(Mid Capital – Between $1M – $10M in revenue)
Awarded to a company whose creative use of existing or development of new technology enhances processes, methodologies and/or services for their own or others’ benefit.
Innovation in Private Sector - Small Capital
Mainline Information Systems
2020 Winner:
2020 Finalists:
Cix Health
Marsh & McLennan Agency (MMA)
2019 Winner:
(Small Capital – Less than $1M in revenue)
Awarded to a company whose creative use of existing or development of new technology enhances processes, methodologies and/or services for their own or others’ benefit.
Innovation in Public Sector Award
Sponsored by Carmax
2020 Winner:
The Commission on Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (VASAP)
2020 Finalists:
VCU School of Nursing
The Commission on Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (VASAP)
VDOT Cedar
2019 Winner:
VA Dept of Health
Awarded to a public agency whose creative use of existing or development of new technology enhances processes, methodologies and/or services for their own or others’ benefit.
Legislator of the Year Award
2020 Winners:
Sen. Janet Howell
Del. Mark Sickles
Del. Terry Austin
2019 Winner:
Delegate Betsy Carr and Delegate Chris Peace
Awarded to a legislator(s) who have made a positive impact on the technology sector in the previous year.
Nex-Gen Award
2020 Winner:
Kenton Vizdos @ Deep Run High School
Sponsored by GE Digital
2020 Finalists:
Jerry Cooper, Jr.
Kenton Vizdos
James DeLoach
2019 Winner: Jocelyn Marencik, Got Tec Richmond
Awarded to a K-12 student who has demonstrated a meaningful impact on the technology ecosystem in Richmond.
Outstanding Collaboration in Tech Award
Sponsored by Luck Companies
2020 Finalists:
Startup VA and BLDR
Phlow and VCU’s Medicine’s for All Institute
Awarded to two or more companies (in a non-consultative arrangement) that have exemplified the collaborative spirit necessary to achieve breakthrough innovations in technology.
Tech Builder Award
2020 Winner:
2020 Finalists:
2019 Winner:
Simple Thread
Awarded to a local technology company delivering technology solutions and/or services to external clients that build capacity and increase operational efficiency.
Technology Executive of the Year
Sponsored by Vaco
2020 Winner:
Melanie Murphy @ CarMax
2020 Finalists:
Melanie Murphy, Assistant Vice President of Technology, CarMax
Barry Condrey, CIO, Chesterfield County Government
Ankit Mathur, CTO, Roundtrip
2019 Winner:
Jay Sanne, Capital One
Awarded to an individual whose leadership resulted to create competitive advantage, optimize business processes, enable growth or improve relationships with customers.
Tech Influencer of the Year
2020 Winner:
John Reid Blackwell @ Richmond Times Dispatch
Sponsored by Facebook
2020 Finalists:
Richmond INNO
Ford Prior, Host of RVATECH Talks Podcast
John Reid Blackwell, Richmond Times Dispatch
2019 Winner:
Paul Spicer – Grid Magazine
Awarded to an individual who has advanced the technology ecosystem in Richmond through promotion, storytelling, or other content creation, either through publications, social media, television/film, or other media.
People's Choice Award
Sponsored by SyCom
2020 Winner:
Popular vote through social media during the event.
Equity Impact Award
Chairman's Award
Innovation in Public Sector
Innovation in Private Sector Award
Large Capital
Innovation in Private Sector Award
Mid Capital
Emerging Small Business Award
Technology Builder Award
Technology Influencer of the Year Award
Next Gen Award
Photo Booth Sponsor
Legislator(s) of the Year Award
Outstanding Collaboration in Tech
Innovation in Private Sector Award
Small Capital