About the Foundation
Learn about our principles, initiatives, and leadership
Five Guiding Priorities
Support public school STEM educational initiatives and programs
Enhance STEM-related educational opportunities in the community through collaboration and
financial support of other programs, foundations, and/or institutions of higher
Support technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, and management through collaborative development, mentorship programs, formal
instruction, and related business acceleration programs.
Promote events for educational and fundraising purposes
Carry on other activities as consistent with the foundation’s purposes
Current Initiatives
The Richmond Technology Foundation for STEM Education and Community Development is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and community development purposes related to science, technology, engineering, and math.
The Foundation currently awards annual scholarships to the finalists in the NextGen category at the annual rvatech/ Awards Gala. The Next Gen award is awarded to a K-12 student who has demonstrated a meaningful impact on the technology ecosystem in Richmond.
Foundation Board
Ian Tyndall, Altria (CHAIR)
Amy Baril, Two Tango
Todd Dube, CarMax
Charles English, Brightpoint Community College
Eleina Espigh, Capital One
Kume Goranson, CodeRVA Regional High School
Sonny Gupta, Daybreak IT Solutions
Conaway Haskins, VIPC
Damian Klute, EY
Kim Mahan, MAXX Potential
Ingrid Nelson, Bank of America
Lynne Norris, Deep Run High School
Holland Rhoads, Soundwave Digital
Diane Schnupp, Kinsale Insurance
Mary Lynne Staib, Vaco
Christy Tyndall, VCU
Jonathan Young, Virginia State University
Nick Serfass, rvatech/ (EX OFFICIO)